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Project History


How did we get here?

The current Feasibility Study for a new elementary school began years ago.

  • In 2018, the Town hired Habeeb & Associates Architects to complete an Elementary School Master Plan.

    Completed in December 2018, the Master Plan provided a roadmap for elementary school improvements in the Town.

  • At the same time, the Town was also working with Dr. Frank Locker on visioning for educational delivery in the Town, with his report issued in January 2019.

  • Informed by the Master Plan and the visioning, the Town began discussions with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). On May 4, 2020, the Town submitted a Statement of Interest to the MSBA for the Hatherly Elementary School. After that submission, the MSBA conducted numerous site visits and discussions with the Town, including a review of the existing conditions of multiple school buildings.

  • All of this culminated with Scituate receiving an invitation into the MSBA Eligibility process on April 14, 2021, and a subsequent invitation to a Feasibility Study on March 2, 2022, for construction of a combined Hatherly and Cushing Elementary School with an enrollment of 460 students.

Learn More about MSBA

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