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Assistant Superintendent Search

Lighthouse with Assistant Superintendent Search Announcement

We’d like to invite you to join the search process for SPS’s next Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development. The position has been posted on SchoolSpring as an “Anticipated Vacancy” as our current Asst. Sup works to finalizes the process.

Candidate Profile Survey

As we work to find the best candidate, we’d like you to complete a brief survey that outlines the skills, background, or knowledge that you feel the successful candidate should possess. 

Complete the anonymous survey

Informational Meeting 

We will provide an overview of the search process and discuss the proposed timeline.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

5:00 p.m.

Zoom Link

We are incredibly excited to be working with you all on this process and look forward to our collaboration, as we work to fill this key leadership position.  

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