Student Life
Hatherly School Grade 2 Visits Plimoth Patuxet
On Monday February 26th, 3rd graders had the opportunity to visit Plimoth Patuxet. While there, they participated in five centers that were geared towards our third grade Social Studies curriculum.
- They learned about Wampanoag life from the inside of a wetu, where they heard about hunting, daily life, and even felt some real animal pelts!
- They were also able to play with some real Native American games and toys!
- When students transitioned down to the pilgrim village, students learned how pilgrims made bread and nasaump by grinding corn with a mortar and pestle before separating the components using a sifter.
- At the History's Mysteries station, students were challenged to figure out the purpose of different objects that were once used by Native Americans and Pilgrims.
- They needed to use their senses to observe the object, and received a picture clue to help them determine the use of each item.
What a fun learning experience for our 3rd graders!