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Student Life

100th Day of School

Mrs. Arruda's kindergarten class

Hatherly students celebrated 100 days of school on Thursday, February 8th.  The entire school had the opportunity to dress up as 100 years old!  Additionally, homerooms had many different activities focused around “100”.   Students in kindergarten and fourth grade walked 100 steps so they could see how far it would take them and the fourth graders put stickers up of where they landed! Fourth graders also measured the mass of various 100 items and stacked 100 cups. First graders made monsters with 100 eyes and wrote “When I am 100” statements. We had so much fun celebrating 100 days of school!  


Mrs. Gillen’s 3rd grade class


Mrs. Henry’s 1st grade class

image1-95.jpgMrs. Flynn’s 4th grade class stacking 100 cups!


Mrs. Flynn’s 4th graders (Emily Snow & Jacqueline Capelle) measured the mass of 100 counters.

Mrs. Flynn-100 years old!

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