SHS School Counseling will sponsor the ASVAB on February 12th

The School Counseling department will offer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) on Wednesday, February 12th, 8:15am-11:30am to any student in grades 10-12. This unique opportunity enables young people to explore careers in the context of their skills and interests, understand all of their options, and to plan for the path of their choice. The ASVAB is sponsored by the Department of Defense with a two-part mission:
- to provide a career exploration service to U.S. youth;
- and to provide qualified leads of interested young people to military recruiters.
Students who sit for the exam will be invited to a follow up ASVAB Interpretation Session, at which score results will be explained. Permission slips are available in the school counseling office (and linked below) and must be returned by February 7th. Participation is voluntary and results are not shared with military recruiters. Students will need to arrive by 8:15 am that day in order to take the assessment. See your school counselor for more information!
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