Learning to CAD
Students are finishing 2024 strong as they continue to refine their skill in using Onshape to design 3-dimensional manipulatable models of ideas for products or parts. Our Intro to Engineering Design course follows the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) model, allowing students to develop specific career and technical skills that can follow them after graduation. Students in this course have the opportunity to become a Certified Onshape Associate, an industry credential that they can add to resumes and applications. All students that participate in any of our PLTW courses also have the opportunity to earn college credit by meeting specific criteria.
In this particular lesson, students learn a variety of tools within the Onshape program and various techniques used to build a detailed and accurate model for proof of concept. Students must draw 2-dimensional representations of their design and then add, convert, and further develop into a 3-dimensional model meeting a variety of criteria laid out for them. Students are able to directly demonstrate their learning and skill in the product itself. What was particularly great to see was how students worked together, collaborated, and shared what they have learned and offered support to each other through the process.