Wampatuck Wave
January and February were busy months at Wampatuck!
Benchmark Testing
All students K-5 participated in middle of the year benchmark testing. This data is used to inform instruction in ELA and Math. All educators analyze this data together in grade level teams, SPED teams, and wellness teams. Instruction is modified and differentiated for each student depending on their unique learning profile.
All benchmark data is available in Aspen for families and caregivers to view. Need help seeing the reports? Reach out to your child’s classroom teacher.
Bionic Project: Whole School Assembly
Wampatuck had the privilege of welcoming the Bionic Project to our school community. This amazing group focuses on dismantling disability bias through education, story, and sport. Four professional athletes shared their stories on how they set goals and followed their dreams of becoming professional athletes while living with a physical disability. All 3rd and 4th graders learned how to play soccer with one leg and gained a stronger appreciation for resilience, perseverance, acceptance, and inclusion.
February is Heart Health Month
Mr Greene and local community members came to Wampatuck to teach 5th graders about the importance of taking care of your heart. Students learned CPR, the heimlich maneuver, and how to recognize when someone is choking. Each one had the opportunity to practice each life saving technique on a CPR mannequin.
Let Me Call You Sweetheart 2025
Every February, Wampatuck School students craft fancy Valentines to send throughout our community including:
Town Hall, SPD and SFD, SPS administrators and staff, School Council members, Senior Center, and more. This Let Me Call you Sweetheart program is a beloved Wampatuck tradition spanning more than two decades! Thank you to our room parents and the PTO who assist in providing supplies and delivering these joyful cards!
3rd Grade Field Trip: Plimoth Patuxet
3rd graders enjoyed a winter escape to the Plimoth Patuxet Museum just before leaving for February vacation. Students and staff learned about life after arriving on the Mayflower from England as well as the traditions and culture of the Wampanoag people.
Wampatuck Artists
Our school community is blessed to have so many accomplished and growing artists. Thank you to Mrs Donnelly for sharing her creativity and love of art to our students.
100th Day of School
Wampatuck loves to celebrate the 100th day of school. Each grade level celebrated in a different way, unique to their development level. Students and staff enjoyed taking a “walking field trip” around the school to enjoy the 100th Day Museum.
- K and 1st graders either brought in a collection of 100 or made a poster illustrating 100.
- 2nd graders made a puzzle with 100 pieces, each piece uniquely decorated.
- 3rd graders wrote essays about things they want to accomplish before they are 100 years old.
- 4th graders made a list of 100 books they love.
- 5th grade was extra special. The 100th day of school in 5th grade is the 1000th day of school since kindergarten! Students wrote what they have learned in 1000 days of school.
New Scituate Public Schools Accessible Bus
SPS added a new accessible school bus to its fleet. Mrs.Forcier’s kindergarten class had the privilege of taking the bus for its maiden voyage around Scituate. Students learned about the new features of the bus and the importance of accessible transportation.
Morning Announcements
Wampatuck is making the morning announcements in a variety of languages. Our 5th grade ambassadors do the pledge, SPS pledge and birthdays in English, our Spanish Club students do the SPS pledge in Spanish, and a first grader has started our day with a message in Mandarin. It is a wonderful way to start each day.
MCAS 2025 Schedule Grades 3-5
You Need To Know:
- 2025-2026 Kindergarten registration is open. Visit our website to enroll your child in kindergarten for next school year.
- Kindergarten entrance age has changed: Your child needs to be 5 years old before September 8th.
- Bus Lane: Please DO NOT pass buses when they are parked in the bus lane.
- Please do not drop students off or pick up in the bus lane during arrival and dismissal.
- Lost and Found: Take a look when you are in the school for any lost items.
Important Dates:
- February 28th: March Literacy Madness Kick Off!
- February 28th: Whole School Assembly - Author of Ivy The Very Determined Dog
- March 14th - Term 2 grades close
- March 18th - Professional Development Day for teachers. No school for students
- March 21st - Term 2 report cards