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Summer Assignments

Math 2023

Entering 6th Grade

Entering Grade 7 or 8

Reading 2023

Entering 6th, 7th or 8th Grade

Why summer reading? We believe that summer is a time to rest, play, and reconnect.  We also believe that reading is among the most important things you can do, and one of the most important skills you can have.  Over the summer, we want you to read, in part because we believe you should always be reading.  We also want you to be ready, come September, to join our community of readers.

  • This summer, we want you to select and enjoy a book of your choice - that is interesting, inspiring, or important to you. The only requirement is that it should be roughly grade-level equivalent.  
  • Once you have completed it, we want you to share your perspective on it with our community of readers by creating a slide where you create a personal review and summary of the book.  
  • Your slide will be added to a deck that will serve as recommendations for (or against, as the case may be) your book for students to use for future reference in selecting books for independent reading for school or for their own reading at home. 
  • You do not need to turn in your slide now. You will share it with your ELA teacher during the first week of school. When you return to school in September, we will use these recommendations to start conversations about books and to build our community of readers.  

Open the Google Slide template and make your own editable copy by clicking “File”, “Make a copy” and “Entire Presentation.” 

Finding a book

Finding a book that excites or inspires you can be tricky. We are here to help! 


If you have any questions, please contact: 

  • Laura Messner, 6-12 English Language Arts Department Chair
  • Liz Grindle, Math Department Chair, 6-12
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