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MA Department of Transportation is partnering with Scituate Public Schools

Safe to Schools

The Safe to Schools program, which is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, has teamed up with Scituate Public Schools to evaluate the arrival and dismissal procedures at Gates Middle School. The main objective of this partnership is to ensure the safety of all students. To accomplish this goal, the Safe to Schools team has developed a map to identify the number of students who potentially cross busy streets to get to school. In addition, an anonymous survey is being conducted to gather information about the typical mode of transportation used by the students. Please take a moment to complete the survey by January 19, 2024.

After gathering this data, personnel from MA DOT will observe the arrival and departure of students from the school and provide a comprehensive report to Scituate Public Schools. This report will suggest possible improvements to the current procedures to ensure the safety of all students.

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