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Welcome Back, Gates!

Gates School

Greetings, Gates Families!

Opening day is coming soon - we are excited to welcome back 624 students to Gates this year. Please find some essential information for students and parents below:

Communication Plan

This year, we will continue communicating important information and updates via our website ( Our website will serve as the hub for essential information and include details for events specific to our school. Please take a moment to download the Scituate Public Schools mobile app from the App Store (iPhone or Android) and select Gates to receive notifications directly to your mobile device.


We are excited to welcome the following new staff to Gates:

  • Nicole Clifford, Spanish
  • Laura Counter, General Music and Chorus
  • Rachael Cronk, 1-year LTS Wellness
  • Su Hong Dang, Mandarin
  • Mitch DeVincent, Custodian
  • Liza DiCosimo, School Counselor
  • Maggie Gillan, Special Education
  • Allison Guinan, Science
  • Maureen Kelly, Paraprofessional
  • Shana Lentini, ELA Literacy 
  • Sandra Liberty, Paraprofessional
  • Amy MacDonald, Physical Education
  • Caitlyn McGlynn, Title I Math 
  • Ann Marie Minichello, Paraprofessional
  • John Nyberg, Special Education  
  • Kristen O’Brien, Title I Math 
  • Pamela Rae-Sandblom, 1-year LTS Spanish
  • Jill Smith, Assistant Principal 
  • Tracey Woodford, Art


School officially begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 2:31 PM. Student schedules can be found in Aspen. Students will spend their first advisory session understanding their schedules and designing user-friendly templates to help them navigate their days.

Arrival and Dismissal

Car/Bike Riders and Walkers: Students can enter the building after 7:15 AM. Any student arriving before 7:45 AM should report to the dining commons to work on homework or socialize quietly. Supervision is provided.

Car Rider Traffic Pattern: All drop-offs and pick-ups must occur in the loop outside the main entrance. Once on campus, all cars should turn right into the staff parking lot and loop around the perimeter before crossing into the loop. 

Please do not pick up or drop off your student until you have reached the loop. For the safety of our students, no pick-ups or drop-offs may occur behind the Town Hall or on Cedarwood Road. 

Please be patient for the first few weeks as families new to Gates get the hang of navigating our pickup and drop-off procedures.

Bus Riders: Buses arriving before 7:45 AM will instruct students to report to the dining commons. Buses arriving after 7:45 AM will release students directly into the school. At the end of the day, students should report to their buses, which will be parked in the same spot every day.

Breakfast is available free to all students in the dining commons from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM every day.

Save the Date

  • Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - Gates PTO Meeting
  • Thursday, September 21, 2023 - Gates Expectations Night

The team at Gates is looking forward to working with you and your student(s) this year. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to support your student or family in the days ahead.

Ryan Beattie, Gates Principal

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