Jenkins Update
First Graders practice dribbling during Physical Education class with Mr. Boulrisse
PE Update from “Mr. B.”
February in the Gym:
- Students put in an “Honest” day of work each week in the gym which aligned with our monthly Purposeful People theme.
- Racket sports lessons integrated honesty in a variety of ways including honesty with self as students practice new skills.
- Kindergarten to Grade 2 focused on self volleying, underhand serve, and striking skills.
- Grades 3-5 practiced racket skills in a variety of gameplay activities including badminton.
- Students raved about the new game, Rollerball. It is a huge hit and students K-5 have had a blast playing it!
Looking Ahead to March:
- We started a unit that has been Highly Requested……. BASKETBALL! Just in time for March Madness …
- Basketball lessons will be infused with our Purposeful People theme of the month “Cooperation”.
The Jenkins School community honored the life of Lori Mahoney who recently passed away after a long illness. Lori was a beloved Jenkins teacher, colleague and Scituate community member. Her last second grade class at Jenkins was in 2020-2021. These students are now current Jenkins fifth graders.
Kindergarten 2024-2025: Register Now!
While the next school year seems a while away, having a registered kindergartener is the only way that the schools have family contact information to send information about the upcoming K Orientation and K Screenings.
Online Kindergarten Registration
March Happenings
- March 4-8: Read Across America Week
- March 6: School Council Meeting 3:45 pm, Agenda and Virtual Joining Information
- March 12: PTO Meeting, 7:00 in the Jenkins Library
- March 15: Elementary Report Cards available in Aspen
- March 21: Jenkins Talent Show, 6:00 pm, Jenkins Gym
- March 25 and 26: Grade 3 English Language Arts MCAS
- March 29: No School
Upcoming MCAS Dates for Grades 3-5
Would you like to volunteer at Jenkins?
- Big school events like the Fun Run and Field Day will be here before we know it.
- All volunteers must have a current CORI.
- Please contact the office to be sure that your CORI is up-to-date.
In case you missed it …
We have a website filled with great resources. You will find the most current information on our website:
Jenkins Sharks Newsfeed Check out the newsfeed for any previous posts.
Download the mobil-e app (iPhone or Android) and get notifications when news is published.
Questions? Contact the Jenkins Office at or call us at 781-545-4910, Mary Oldach, Principal