Hatherly Happenings

Math & Literacy Night
- We had a very successful Math & Literacy Night last week!
- It was so great to see families from all grade levels stop in for a night to celebrate math and literacy!
- Special thanks to our Math Specialist, Ms. Huntress, and our Literacy Specialists, Mrs. Harwood and Mrs. Burns, for all their hard work putting this night together.
- Additionally, thank you to Mrs. Long and our PTO volunteers during our week-long book fair.
Heggerty Heroes in Mrs. Arruda’s room
- On Monday, Ingrid Kadjas and Olive Vallone in Mrs. Arruda’s Kindergarten class received the Heggerty Hero award.
- This award goes to the students working hard during their Heggerty lesson.
- Each day, Kindergarten students engage in a Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lesson.
- Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds that form words. Heggerty’s Phonemic Awareness lessons address phonological awareness to build the foundations for students to decode words accurately.
- Great work, Olive and Ingrid!
Trick Words in Second Grade
- In Ms. McGillicuddy’s second grade class, students practiced writing their “trick words”.
- In the photo below, students are writing the word “earth”.
- In Fundations, trick words or high-frequency words are those words that do not follow the conventional rules and patterns of spelling.
- It was wonderful to hear the students explaining that “ear” in earth makes the “er” sound and that is why it is a trick word.
We Are All Wonders
- Thank you to our wonderful art teacher, Laura Berton, for helping students create the beautiful mural based on our reading of the picture book, We Are All Wonders.
- During Open Art times, students brainstormed how we all could be kinder to others. Their ideas were incorporated into this mural that now hangs in our front lobby.
- For years now, Mrs. Berton has given her time to students in 4th and 5th grade who choose to come in during recess time for Open Art. I know firsthand how important this time is to students. It is a wonderful option for students as an alternative to traditional recess activities while also allowing them to be social and work on things that they are passionate about.
- Hatherly is lucky to have Mrs. Berton on our staff!
Calling all Fifth Grade Families!
- Just a reminder that all incoming 6th graders are invited to the Welcome to Gates Night on Thursday, March 20th, from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm in the Dining Commons at Gates Middle School.
- Students and families will take a journey to discover an array of experiences students enjoy throughout their time in middle school.
- Groups will rotate through a series of sessions to provide them with information about academic and extracurricular offerings.
March Book Madness
March Book Madness got off to a great start last week. In our first round, My Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World went up against All the Way to the Top. Our winner was All the Way to the Top with a vote of 179 to 66! In our second round, How to Write a Poem went up against Punky Aloha. Punky Aloha was the winner with a vote of 221 to 21! Punky Aloha will go on to compete against All the Way to the Top in our semi final round.
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Math Week
- We had fun wearing math all week and practicing some great math vocabulary!.
- Jiji stopped by for a special visit too!
Bingo Night
- Join us on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, from 5:00-6:30 PM for Pizza and Bingo at Hatherly School.
- To register and to learn more about this fun event, visit our website.
Substitute Nurses Needed
- Our school is looking for dedicated substitute nurses to join our team!
- If you are a Registered Nurse seeking a flexible schedule and enjoy working with wonderful kids in a supportive and caring environment, please reach out to District Nurse Leader Kellie Bell at Kbell@scit.org to learn more.
Important Dates
- Tuesday 3/18 - No School - Professional Development Day
- Thursday 3/20 - Gates Showcase Night 6pm
- Friday 3/21
- - Report Cards Published
- Friday 3/28 PTO Parents Night Out
- Wednesday 4/2 PTO Pizza & Bingo Night
Visit our website calendar for all events