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Shout Outs

Students’ Letter Sparks Action at Hatherly Elementary

a group of students and staff pose in a classroom

[CAPTION]: Mrs. Shaw’s 2nd grade class met with Superintendent Burkhead and Principal Ward to discuss beautifying Hatherly Elementary School.

Mrs. Shaw’s 2nd grade class loves Hatherly, and they identified some ways to improve and beautify their school. They wrote Mr. Burkhead a letter with their ideas, “This week in language arts our class is talking about how to help and improve neighborhoods. We are trying to make our Hatherly neighborhood even better. We love Hatherly School and have some ideas!”

Mr. Burkhead visited Mrs. Shaw’s classroom to discuss their ideas and show his appreciation to them for writing such a persuasive letter. Mr. Burkhead read the letter with the class. Then, they talked about how the students love their school, that they want to make it a better place, and that they want to be involved in making it a better place. 

With the help of Mrs. Ward, one of the ideas was selected: “Our class wants to add more color to the Hatherly garden. Students could help with this by making a club called Team Flowers.” Mrs. Ward surprised the students with the announcement that there will be an after school club in the spring led by Nurse Jessica to plant flowers all around the school to make it more beautiful!

Thank you to Mrs. Shaw for empowering students to write this letter. Not only did the students come up with ideas, but they created a way to share those ideas with Mr. Burkhead and Mrs. Ward! 

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